Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Diet and Health

Now, I usually eat healthy food, because I need care my health. 7 years ago, I have overweight, and all time I started many diets and lees weight but quickly returned to overweight. When I lived in Maracaibo, I ate heavy food. In Venezuela, is common eat three times per day. Heavy food isn’t junk food, but it is not healthy. It is rich in carbohydrates and high fat. Two years ago, I started a diet and medical treatment whit an endocrinology. I think that this action was good, because a learned about alimentary habits but I didn’t have time for do exercises and my treatment was only diet and body massages by remove and dream fats. I less weight, but I needed to take a complete treatment. In this time a really change my alimentary habit. Last year I started routine by do exercises, every day I was walking in the Palermo Forest in Buenos Aires during 35 minutes and after do specific exercises until complete 1 hour of the training. In this time, I less 10 kg, my healthy was great, my felt was energetic all time. This year, I continued with care my healthy, I eat healthy food, I prepare my proper food, never drink pot and sometimes when I go to restaurant, I ordered only salad and grill fish, chicken or meal. Now is difficult with me do exercises every day, because I don’t like do exercises at the gym. I do exercises only in the weekend. I know that, I need more exercises and continued eat healthy food. I lees 20 kg in two years, and my healthy now is great

Notting Hill

I think that Notting Hill is lovely; I really enjoy book and movie, because they are interesting, funny and life conditions of characters, some times are true life. I like the scenery because I think that life in Notting Hill is peaceful and simple. Some times people want to become a rich or famous person but publicity and social requirement didn’t permit to found a proper life. I think in Notting Hill Ana Scott found the life that she always dreams, the character is rude, through of the book, she feign whit her life and she returned with Williams because he has a simple and true life and he is a very good person and love she. I like too, other characters as Honey and Spicy because have a strange personality and customs. I enjoy end, I think, it represent the ideal of the dream by each people. The book was great with me, and I think is easy to understand and improve my English vocabulary.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Uncle Tiger Revenge

Once upon a time Uncle Tiger was eating one animal died. In this while Uncle Fox appear and asking him: “Can you give me a piece of your meal?” Uncle Fox was very hungry and his stomach had empty, but Uncle Tiger Said: “No!” because he remember that before Uncle Fox was following by take his ears.

Uncle Fox was angry with Uncle Tiger, because he didn’t give meals. Then, Uncle Fox decided to take revenge with Uncle Tiger, and whilst his sleet, Uncle Fox put a beehive with hungry bee, near to tiger’s tail. When he moved his tail, bee will be follow. Uncle Fox laugh and ate the small piece of mail that Uncle Tiger has been eaten at next day.

When uncle Tiger got up, Uncle Fox yell: “Uncle please running, I see many hunters, near the rivers, in few minutes they are here….. Listen!”

Then, Uncle Tiger was running and he listen the noise that produce bee behind him and running and running so hard, until that he faint over the soil, and everyone believe that he was died.

Aunt Tiger (his wife) prepares the funeral, and all neighbors appear in it: Uncle Rabbit, Uncle Pork, Uncle Chicken, Uncle Monkey, but the more important was responsible died: Uncle Fox.

Uncle Fox imagine that Uncle Tiger didn’t die, and in a while he went to the body and asking: “Uncle Tiger, if was you dead, moved the tail?

Uncle tiger moved constantly his fail…. And Uncle Fox said: “Are you didn’t dead, the dead doesn’t move the fail!”

Uncle Tiger got up and said: “Is true I don’t die, now are you prepare to running, because I cut your fail and send to bee, they are used to build a new beehive….”

Uncle Fox was running into the rainforest long time and all time has a scary that Uncle Tiger find him.


I have a big family, in my house when I was child; I lived with my parent, my grandmother, two sisters and four brothers. I am the first daughter and helped my mother with the children, I was only 11 years, but had a lot of responsibilities, every day in the morning I went to school until noon, after I washed dishes, do homework, made a laundry, ironing and care children; some times I cooked dinner. I didn’t have a free time until my brother and sister went to pre-school. This condition was different with my brothers and sisters because I was the big daughter and my look was always serious. I think the best task was care children, I like babies and play with child with different ages, but I don’t like ironing. In this time sometimes, I wanted to make others activities without my house, but now I think that these responsibilities learned me about how I organized my house and balance the activities into house and without it.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Flower Crops

I want to have a flower crops, it is my dream. Cropping flowers is a very difficult activity, and you need to find an adequate place. All your work depends on weather condition. I need to write my project and make a schedule establishing goals, before I will start this business. First I need to take a big decision: Where I will live?, in which country?, and then I will development my project life. A flower crop has different stages: crops, production, marketing, sales and probably design. In my project I want to development crop in a friendly with the environment and people, because production areas have several problems with contamination of the place and workers, for use of pesticides and insecticides. I need to study a lot about production systems new techniques of flower grow. In each place that I visit, I’m asked for flowers, production and the best flower for distribution. I saw the flower more beautiful in Quito Ecuador. Roses are the best flower in this country and its production is one of the more important in its economy. Now flower crop is only a dream in my life, but I know some day it will become a reality.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Modelling Environment

There are different used for faster computer and the big capacity, in my job the best used for this equipment is data base and modelling environment. 20 years ago, technical data was store, some time, in electronic file and when are you need to used this information, generally put in carts, maps or aerial photographic, to genera a new maps with your interpretation, in this time group of different criteria worked a lot; in correction and made the new maps by description of the environment and the process of change, the scale of the resolution the cartographic information in this time was about 1/25,000 and sometimes 1/10,000. In the finally of the 90s, was availability programs to management cartographic information in computer the big capacity and are you put information of field, made new maps and describe different process in interactive form. Development the new technology in the computer sciences permitted to development new programs and management in real time information of the many years and you can predict tendencies and protect environment in form more efficient. Now the best program permitted used information cartographic a small scale and level of detail is about 1/10 or less, is really very good and design of the environment protect is specific. Other advantage is when you are study big ecosystem, you can management integral information.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Don’t used Wildlife as Pet.

Wildlife is nature, and they are need to life in natural habitat. In nature all species have a function in the ecosystem, and live in perfect balance. Some people think that, have wildlife is the best contribution, others think is interesting and unique care animals as felines, monkeys, birds, and others. But if you really want helped this wildlife the best contribution is make donate. Many public and private organizations worked to protect animals. Each animal only complete cycle life in natural habitats, when it is remove this, and it is sales as pet or send to circus and other place for exhibition, the cycle life is broken, the consequence is stopped the reproduction and survival of the specie. When increase interesting by wildlife as pets improve illegal market and hunters. Now many countries have protected law by stopped and controller extraction the animals of the natural spaces. Fortunately there are international organizations as Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild (CITES) and the program by controlled illegal traffic of the wildlife.