Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Diet and Health

Now, I usually eat healthy food, because I need care my health. 7 years ago, I have overweight, and all time I started many diets and lees weight but quickly returned to overweight. When I lived in Maracaibo, I ate heavy food. In Venezuela, is common eat three times per day. Heavy food isn’t junk food, but it is not healthy. It is rich in carbohydrates and high fat. Two years ago, I started a diet and medical treatment whit an endocrinology. I think that this action was good, because a learned about alimentary habits but I didn’t have time for do exercises and my treatment was only diet and body massages by remove and dream fats. I less weight, but I needed to take a complete treatment. In this time a really change my alimentary habit. Last year I started routine by do exercises, every day I was walking in the Palermo Forest in Buenos Aires during 35 minutes and after do specific exercises until complete 1 hour of the training. In this time, I less 10 kg, my healthy was great, my felt was energetic all time. This year, I continued with care my healthy, I eat healthy food, I prepare my proper food, never drink pot and sometimes when I go to restaurant, I ordered only salad and grill fish, chicken or meal. Now is difficult with me do exercises every day, because I don’t like do exercises at the gym. I do exercises only in the weekend. I know that, I need more exercises and continued eat healthy food. I lees 20 kg in two years, and my healthy now is great

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