Tuesday, July 15, 2008


I have a big family, in my house when I was child; I lived with my parent, my grandmother, two sisters and four brothers. I am the first daughter and helped my mother with the children, I was only 11 years, but had a lot of responsibilities, every day in the morning I went to school until noon, after I washed dishes, do homework, made a laundry, ironing and care children; some times I cooked dinner. I didn’t have a free time until my brother and sister went to pre-school. This condition was different with my brothers and sisters because I was the big daughter and my look was always serious. I think the best task was care children, I like babies and play with child with different ages, but I don’t like ironing. In this time sometimes, I wanted to make others activities without my house, but now I think that these responsibilities learned me about how I organized my house and balance the activities into house and without it.

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