Sunday, May 25, 2008


Today I won $ 10 million in the lottery. Now my question is what happens with my life? I think that I need special advice of the Financial Manger. First, I want sales my actual house and I buy one in Canada, because I am going to stay in Canada about 5 years and need a comfortable place to live. Second, I am going to take a special vacation around the world in summer, about two months. I want know representative national park of the five continents and I am going to visit the best stadium of soccer and baseball. Third, tomorrow I put 2, 5 million in my save account and 5 million in investment a long time, for three months, when I returned of my trip I studied advice for the best investment. I think in many ideas about my own company or store, I like nice clothes, shoes, bags, and bijouterie. Finally, I need time, study all option and take a good decision, but today is only for party with my friends.

Monday, May 19, 2008


Barinas is my hometown in Venezuela, in this place I was born and grew up. I think that by many people Barinas is the best place to live in my country. First Barinas as Capital of the Barinas state has economical grow and now is in development, the principal activities are oil and gas production and the traditional farmer and agriculture, in specific crops of the rice, sugar, cotton, grain as corn, and other. Second, Barinas is beautiful, quiet, and natural plane area. Barinas has a lot of open natural space, extensive and green field, ideal for horse ride and travel adventure. Santo Domingo River and his tributaries offer especial condition for aquatic sport as ratting; Barinas has too especial tradition by soccer games. Third, different and interesting customs represent farm people typical. Barinas is place of the poetry and traditional music, that represents the felling of the farm men and describe his daily labor in the field, this music is named “Country Music (Joropo),” because is Venezuelan identify. I like this music and poetry of Alberto Arbelo Torrealba. Finally, I like Barinas, because represent my custom, my life and Barinas has a natural spaces and middle cultural activities. For all these reason I enjoyed live in Barinas.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

My First Job

My firs job was part-time, when I studied in University Ezequiel Zamora in Venezuela. I remember this job, really was wonderful, and was in the Museum of History Natural, specific with the ornithologist collection. My supervisor was Gilberto Rios, excellent teacher and professional. Gilberto died last January and he had a great contribution in my life and in my university learns, because all time he assignment me interesting work. In 1988 I started this job, and my first task was complete the data base of the collection of the ornithology, this task is a lot of complicate, because I needed review all specimen in collection and check if it is complete. Collections by specimen consist in skin (taxidermy), skeleton, stomach, and each was label and catalogue perfectly. Data of field in notebook and all information required put on digital data base. Was the first time I used the computer and electronic application. Data base never was complete, because in the collection were about 1500 specimen and Gilberto all time received data of field and he genera new information. The second task was took data in field, was really fantastic, because do you need live in the rainforest for about one week and describe different specimen: plant and animal. Sometimes students and teachers, the different level and institution, investigators of different countries went to de Museum and I helped to Gilberto to give information and sometimes I attended the student. I worked in this job until July 1991. It was great and wonderful.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Reading and Writing Level II

Hello, this is my blog of this level. I like this activity, because is a lot of creative and help in my learn of english.