Sunday, May 25, 2008


Today I won $ 10 million in the lottery. Now my question is what happens with my life? I think that I need special advice of the Financial Manger. First, I want sales my actual house and I buy one in Canada, because I am going to stay in Canada about 5 years and need a comfortable place to live. Second, I am going to take a special vacation around the world in summer, about two months. I want know representative national park of the five continents and I am going to visit the best stadium of soccer and baseball. Third, tomorrow I put 2, 5 million in my save account and 5 million in investment a long time, for three months, when I returned of my trip I studied advice for the best investment. I think in many ideas about my own company or store, I like nice clothes, shoes, bags, and bijouterie. Finally, I need time, study all option and take a good decision, but today is only for party with my friends.


♥ Sunny ♥ said...

Hi Margarita.
I was happy. because your present was very good. Thank for you. Also, I will stay in Canada about 5years like you. Next year I will go to the gradute school. I will stay with you. so I really happy. because of you.

Mario E. said...

Hi Margarita, Why not you visit the nou camp? maybe is not the best stadium in the world, but is very beautiful