Saturday, May 10, 2008

My First Job

My firs job was part-time, when I studied in University Ezequiel Zamora in Venezuela. I remember this job, really was wonderful, and was in the Museum of History Natural, specific with the ornithologist collection. My supervisor was Gilberto Rios, excellent teacher and professional. Gilberto died last January and he had a great contribution in my life and in my university learns, because all time he assignment me interesting work. In 1988 I started this job, and my first task was complete the data base of the collection of the ornithology, this task is a lot of complicate, because I needed review all specimen in collection and check if it is complete. Collections by specimen consist in skin (taxidermy), skeleton, stomach, and each was label and catalogue perfectly. Data of field in notebook and all information required put on digital data base. Was the first time I used the computer and electronic application. Data base never was complete, because in the collection were about 1500 specimen and Gilberto all time received data of field and he genera new information. The second task was took data in field, was really fantastic, because do you need live in the rainforest for about one week and describe different specimen: plant and animal. Sometimes students and teachers, the different level and institution, investigators of different countries went to de Museum and I helped to Gilberto to give information and sometimes I attended the student. I worked in this job until July 1991. It was great and wonderful.


Weith Kick said...
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Weith Kick said...

Hello Margarita... I came across your blog through Mario's blog. I am interested in the cultures and habits of other countries. I live in America. I will continue to follow your blog.